Volunteer Opportunities

  • Tutoring and Mentorship

    Become a tutor or a mentor in our public speaking and financial literacy classes. Enable children to learn complex information, support individuals, and help children to feel more confident. Your responsibilities entail developing lesson content, facilitating small group sessions as well as working individually with learners. In this way, you educate others, as well as contribute to raising future leaders of the society who will possess valuable life experiences.

  • Event Planning

    Come and be a part of our event planning team to facilitate different fundraisers and cultural occasions. Starting from the idea generation process to designing and organizing the event, the role played by the volunteers would be multifaceted. This involves negotiating for the facilities, sorting out the finances, and publicizing the events to the communityi. Your contribution will not just assist in the collection of funds for programs but also in creating a sense of unity and cultural appreciation.

  • Green Books Initiative

    Support our Green Books Initiative project which is dedicated to collecting and delivering books to remote schools, families, and orphanages in South Asia. Some of the activities that volunteers will undertake include; arranging for book collection, sorting and shelving books, and partnering with other stakeholders in delivery. This program’s goal is to offer poor children the basic educational materials to enhance their knowledge in particular areas.

Our Services

  • Community Outreach

    Organize some form of advocacy and create a public campaign aimed at getting people to support our organization’s cause. Activities that volunteers may be expected to undertake will include tabling, fliers, and public speaking at social events. Also, you will be able to interact with community members, other organizations, and the individuals in the society to extend the network and reach. They will help us reach more people and engage them as volunteers or supporters of our cause.

  • Fundraising Initiatives

    They are fully involved in implementing our fundraising activities, including organizing events, designing marketing programs, and soliciting donors and sponsors. Under this proposal, volunteers will be involved in the formulation of unique fundraising plans, donor relations, and documentation of gifts. Through the use of the social media tool, development of attractive messages and active interaction with the community, you will ensure the resourcefulness required to continue and expand our programs. it therefore means that your efforts will go to the development and growth of our educational and cultural programs.